cable knit cardigan playlist
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

cable knit cardigan playlist

I hope you can smell the evergreen pine forest covered in frost through this playlist.

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7 Quick Reads
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

7 Quick Reads

I am currently in a bit of a reading slump, so I made a video of some quick reads. I hope I come across more nice quick reads to help me out of my current slump. This list is in alphabetical order.

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9 Books Featuring Female Friendships
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

9 Books Featuring Female Friendships

One of my favorite themes in books is the portrayal of female friendships, so I compiled a list of some of my favorite female friends in literature.

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15 Books Centering Sisters
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

15 Books Centering Sisters

A while ago, one of my friends tweeted that she wanted recommendations for fiction centering sisters. I had many recommendations, so I thought I would make my reading list available for everyone. Books appear in alphabetical order by title.

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I Read Every ACOTAR Book in the same Three Weeks and Now I Am Done with Life
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

I Read Every ACOTAR Book in the same Three Weeks and Now I Am Done with Life

The first book in the series is a pretty straightforward Beauty and the Beast retelling. I love fairy tales and fairy tale retellings, so I already kind of wanted to read this book. I got all of the books in the original series on Kindle immediately after listening to the episode of Sentimental Garbage on the series. It is a truth universally acknowledged that I must read every book that Caroline O'Donoghue ever mentions.

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10 Books to Cheer You Up
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

10 Books to Cheer You Up

*Belle Weather* is another hidden gem I found in one of my favorite bookstores at home. My entire family loves this book and we will sit around in the evenings and read aloud to each other like something out of the nineteenth century. But with more profanity – thanks, Celia. My favorite chapter is definitely the one where she picks out granite for her countertops and then "visits" it before it is actually installed in her home.

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If you like these podcasts, read these books
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

If you like these podcasts, read these books

I made a YouTube video where I talk about some of my favorite podcasts and make book recommendations based on those podcasts. I have listed these podcasts in alphabetical order by title and will go through them and list and link.

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The Bastard of Istanbul is Still My Favorite Book
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

The Bastard of Istanbul is Still My Favorite Book

There is a reason *The Bastard of Istanbul* is my favorite book. Actually, there are several. My latest re-read of this have just solidified everything I love about *Bastard*, and Elif Shafak's writing.

I came across this book while I was procrastinating on studying for my exams in my first year of undergrad at the Waterstones in the O2 shopping center on Finchley Road seemingly a million years ago (but really it was 2015). I fell in love with the writing, the story, and the characters immediately and it became the thing that got me through the exam period. I read it on the night bus home (the N13 – wow, memories) as a reward for long days at the library. When it was over, my mind was blown and I was so sad that it was over. Not to be left in the miserable throes of Shafak-withdrawal, I inhaled many of her other writings. I have not gotten through her entire catalogue of books only because I worry for myself when I catch up and have to wait an agonizingly long time for her next book.

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ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline


I just want tomatoes with real flavor and a deli sandwich. Is that too much to ask?

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Feminism and Respectability in "Daddy's Money" by Ricochet
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

Feminism and Respectability in "Daddy's Money" by Ricochet

This song is about falling for a woman that has everything: she’s beautiful and rich, amongst other things that are not always valued in women. Not only is it catchy and fun to sing along to, but it gently subverts the misogyny long present in the greater tradition of country songs, and our contemporary patriarchal society. “Daddy’s Money” puts value on this woman’s fully-formed personality and independence, and is a contrast to other country songs like “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks, which is essentially about a “country” guy showing up and to and ruining his ex-girlfriend’s “classy” party, which is deemed acceptable and even admirable. Other country music that might be deemed “love songs” overtly reinforce patriarchal gender values, such as “Firecracker” by Josh Turner, which is essentially about a woman being desirable because she is good at sex. This exploration will assume that the subjects are heterosexual, since the singer is a man and his ideal partner in question is clearly portraying a woman. Is “Daddy’s Money” the feminist country anthem that it seems? Let’s analyze.

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