The Dust Never Settles

very rich and great depth

The Dust Never Settles follows a newly pregnant Anaïs who travels to her ancestral house in Peru which sits above the capital city of Lima. This premise sounded fascinating so I immediately requested the ARC from Netgalley and they were kind enough to oblige me.

book no. 4 of 2022

This book has chapters alternating first-person and third-person narratives. The chapter numbers also alternate between English and Spanish, which I thought was a clever touch. The chapters narrated by Anaïs Echeverría, the main character, are labeled in English and the chapters in which an Allende-esque narrator tells the reader about the family history are labeled in Spanish.

I much preferred the latter chapters, as I did not feel much connection with Anaïs. This is a personal thing and I'm sure her character will connect with other readers. The chapters labeled in Spanish felt very rich and great depth. I look forward to anything else Quinn writes in the future!


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