Birnam Wood
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

Birnam Wood

The contemporary answer to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang

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An Unkindness of Ghosts
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

An Unkindness of Ghosts

I am already a fan of Rivers Solomon’s writing, having read Blood is Another Word for Hunger and Sorrowland, and loving them both. I was so excited to read An Unkindness of Ghosts and ended up loving it even more.

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Plain Bad Heroines
ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline ShortSkirtsAndSarcasm Caroline

Plain Bad Heroines

Plain Bad Heroines had me hooked from the first page. The writing style grabbed me immediately, as I love an omniscient narrator who hints at future disaster. I especially loved the recurring motif of yellow jackets and the disaster and menace they bring. It reminded me of the theme of bees in The Starless Sea but perilous instead of wholesome.

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