Circus of Wonders

P. T. Barnum sucks and so does Jasper

P. T. Barnum sucks and so does Jasper

I have not seen The Greatest Showman, but I am highly suspicious of it. P. T. Barnum sought to profit off people with disabilities, "deformities," and disfigurement, which is certainly not a good look. This book follows a similar "freak show," but makes clear from the beginning that Barnum's business model was terrible and damaging. In addition, Elizabeth Macneal describes other very real people who had been "displayed," including Charles Stratton (a.k.a. Tom Thumb) and Sara Baartman (a.k.a. The Hottentot Venus), for creepy and often racist reasons.

Nell, our main character, has been born with many birthmarks all over her body which lead her family and community to treat her as if she were something to be ashamed of. In 1866, when Nell is nineteen, her father encounters Jasper Jupiter, the head of Jasper Jupiter's Circus of Wonders, which displays "freaks," and sells Nell to Jasper for the sum of £20. Both of these men suck.

Nell has complicated feelings about being a circus act. She is now Nellie Moon, Queen of the Moon and Stars, which gives her financial independence and gives her the opportunity to be celebrated. Her brother Charlie comes to visit her and essentially accuses her of whoring herself out.

‘How can you bear it?’ Charlie asks. ‘What?’ He gestures at her doublet and short pantaloons. ‘Everyone seeing you like that. Being turned into a spectacle.’ ‘It isn’t like that,’ she says. ‘Everyone just saw me as different before. Here, at least, they admire me. And I’m not ashamed of how I look. Not any more.’

Nell's honeymoon period with the circus eventually ends when she thinks of aging and the future. She discusses plans of marriage in the future with her fellow female freaks and realizes that being admired in the spotlight does not guarantee good personal relationships with "normal" people. In addition, Jasper becomes more controlling of his employees as he wants to expand the circus, which requires extra finances.

‘Only men like Jasper hold the reins, and that’s the truth. It’s only their voices that matter.’ She leans closer to Nell. ‘That woman called us lusus naturae. I’d wager you don’t even know what that means.’

[lusus naturae means joke of nature]

[lusus naturae means joke of nature]

Through all this, Nell's relationships with her fellow employees, Jasper himself, and Jasper's brother Toby develop and change and she begins to wonder if her future lies with the circus or not.

The writing is beautiful and I really clicked with the story and the characterization. While I was reading it, I texted all my bookish friends how much I was loving it. I WANT MORE.




The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle